What is RAL Color chart?

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The RAL Color chart, or the “RAL colors”, is a specialized chart created by the RAL Color Institute to display different colors of paint, powder, varnish, plastics, etc. This chart is the standard one used when choosing colors with which to paint your walls, varnish for furniture, architecture, road safety, industry and construction.

In addition to the classic RAL color chart, named RAL k7 and including 213 standard, regular colors with no particular sheen or shimmer you can also get the glassy chart, the metallic one, the pearly one… depending on what kind of colors suit your needs, and the RAL Institute has even invented a special software so web developers can display paint colors properly on the website of their clients.

If you want to get an approved, official RAL Color standard you need to check for the special hologram that all the official RAL products feature since 2013 to make counterfeits difficult to produce.

RAL Color charts

These RAL Color charts contain all swatches within each categorised set along with number codes or names (if assigned) in every language available (Including English, German, Dutch, French, Italian and Spanish).