RAL 6019 Color Pastel green

Here you can see the example of RAL 6019 color in RAL charts. This color shade is a part of RAL Classic coulour deck, it is also known by Pastel green name. This RAL shade is one of 48 colors in Green hues chart.

You might come across RAL Pastel green color in foreign catalogues named by the following common names in each language respectively:
French:Vert blanc
Italian:Verde biancastro
Spanish:Verde blanquecino

RAL code conversion

Color RAL 6019 conversion to HEX resulted in #B9CEAC value
RAL 6019 Pastel green to HEX:#B9CEAC

Color RAL 6019 conversion to RGB resulted in R185 G206 B172 value
RAL 6019 Pastel green to RGB:
Red:185 (73%)
Green:206 (81%)
Blue:172 (67%)
Color RAL 6019 conversion to CMYK resulted in C35 M0 Y40 K0 value
RAL 6019 Pastel green to CMYK:

Convert This Color

Conver this color throughout different color systems and collections by selecting the target on the dropdown box below. Explore similar options in NCS, Pantone, Dulux, Farrow and Ball, Behr, Benjamin Moore, British Standard, Sherwin-Williams and other palettes.

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