Home RAL Classic color chart RAL Classic colors Yellow shades Orange shades Red shades Violet shades Blue shades Green shades Grey shades Brown shades White and black shades RAL Classic color chartYou can browse all 215 RAL Classic chart color chips with digitalized equivalent color examples and official RAL Codes and names. Browse colours RAL Design color chartYou can browse all 1625 RAL Effect chart color chips with digitalized equivalent color examples and official RAL Codes and names. Browse colours RAL Effect color chartYou can browse all 490 RAL Effect chart color chips with digitalized equivalent color examples and official RAL Codes and names. Browse colours RAL Plastics P1 Color chartYou can browse all 100 RAL Plastics P1 chart color chips with digitalized equivalent color examples and official RAL Codes and names. Browse colours RAL Plastics P2 Color chartYou can browse all 200 RAL Plastics P2 chart color chips with digitalized equivalent color examples and official RAL Codes and names. Browse colours